Bookmark The Blog!

Looks like we've got another issue with the google groups platform, where once again, the facility I use to bulk send the emails is no longer working.  This has happened a few times in the past (I think most recently back in 2021), and it really puts a stop to me being able to communicate to members on a 1:1 basis.

So, as there's nothing I can do, it's over to YOU as the player to:

- Bookmark the blog - you're here now, go to the front page an hit the favourite.

- Follow/Subscribe on social media:

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        If there is another forum that you think I should share from then let me know!

Fingers crossed that Google will fix the email functionality shortly, but as this only links to the blog, it's up to you to remember to check the blog before the deadlines.

Sorry - but my hands are tied :(



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