Week 1.01 - Final Update 23.02 - £1875

This will be the last update from me until the form closes at 4pm Friday, and I reconcile the overall file.  Pot is now standing at a busting £1875, but there are still 291 players from the last round still to commit, so it will likely go a lot higher.

Any players not paid by the 4pm deadline will be removed.  Non-pickers will be allocated ARSENAL

Week 1.01 Friday 24th February 4pm: https://forms.gle/uiyJN4X96sp3sE2u6

File for new game, which will be updated periodically through the week, can be found here: PremKiller 2023 G2R1

Players marked in orange are overpaid, so already in credit for the next game/rollover.



Payments - £5.00 for all players

As always, payment must be made before the first deadline.  Online Banking is the preferred method (please use your name as reference):
Name: Mr RD Brown
Sort Code: 20-54-89
Account: 43740153


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