Week One - Update 01.11 - £840

Here we go again!

Rachel was paid later on the Sunday night, and I think is still bouncing off the walls after the windfall.

Onto the new gameweek, and with just three days remaining, the pot already stands at £840 (with a few more payments come in since 18:30 when I started reconciling). 

The updated form can be found below with payment and pick status.

Week 1.01 Friday 4th November 4pm: https://forms.gle/afj9wF43DfXSKKcK6

The file for the new game can be found here  PremKiller 2023 G1R1



Payments - £5.00 for all players

As always, payment must be made before the first deadline.  Online Banking is the preferred method (please use your name as reference):
Name: Mr RD Brown
Sort Code: 20-54-89
Account: 43740153 


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