Week 2.01 Results / Week 2.02 Fixtures

Blooming Liverpool :(

Over 1/3 of the field fallen at the first hurdle as Liverpool and Man Utd start their campaign with abysmal results.

Still awaiting 2 payments to come in for players who were not sure if they were in game 1.01.  If not received by end of today, they will be removed.  Also a small number of adjustments as looks like some banks delayed payments until today so I added some back in.  New pot is £7700 (which should go to £7710 if payments come in).  Ongoing there will be no wriggle room for late payments - the file is updated enough in advance for players to check their status.  Let this be the final warning :)

Fixtures for week two can be found here, with a deadline of 4pm Friday 12th Augusthttps://forms.gle/Fzdb4c5KPMcauunB9

The updated file for R2 can be found here  PremKiller 2022 G2-R2

Good Luck!




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