Week 2.01: Final Update 04.08 - £6810

We're not too far off breaking the £7k barrier - pot standing at a whopping £6810 as of 18:00 tonight.

The next email will be tomorrow with the locked in picks - the form locking down at 16:00 Friday (any non-pickers will be allocated Arsenal away to Palace).  I'm taking my daughter for footy trials at NUFC tomorrow evening, so won't get a chance to send out before this game kicks off, so the picks for the wife and I are as follows:

Becky - Spurs
Ralph - Liverpool

Week One - Deadline 4pm Friday 5th August:  https://forms.gle/UwRPwthbscjZyFdR6

It's £10 for new players, and £5 for anyone who was in R1.  There's a few players not sure which game they were/weren't in - that's fine, but please ensure you check the file and be paid up before Fridays deadline.

The new file for R2 can be found here - correct as of 6pm:  PremKiller 2022 G2-R2

Don't forget, if you're into your Fantasy Football you can join Tom Smiths game by contacting him as per the below.  Having heard from a few of our players who've joined it last season, it's highly recommended with monthly payouts (e.g. Manager of the Month).  If you'd like to get involved, please reach out to him direct at Thomas.R.Smith@unilever.com for further information.



Payments - £5.00 for existing players, £10.00 for new players

As always, payment must be made before the first deadline.  Online Banking is the preferred method (please use your name as reference):
Name: Mr RD Brown
Sort Code: 20-54-89
Account: 43740153


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