Week Two Results / Week Three & Four Fixtures

In a week of lots of penalties, only one team didn't make it through - 33 on West Ham, arguably who had a shout for a penalty in the first half!

Selectors for week three are already marked as "Picked" on the file, but please check the previous week picks as I have see some duplicates - all e-mailed directly.

Gameweek Three - deadline 4pm Tuesday 14th December - https://forms.gle/sHgXL2JFdGonkh4Q6
Gameweek Four - deadline 4pm Friday 17th December - https://forms.gle/ucsAcbK3ehecpuf47

** Note any games called off before the deadline will be removed from selections. **

File can be found here:  PremKiller 2022 G1-R1 (FYI - I filter out players when they're knocked out)


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