Week Three Results... mostly

...well pending the Southampton game tonight :)

Only 17 fallers so far, as Everton failed to beat Burnley.  

Fixtures for week four are here, with a deadline of 4pm on Friday:  https://forms.gle/8un4SKapytCDhEsz8

Watchout:  Next week we have some mid-week fixtures.  I'll be publishing the form for both gameweeks 5 and 6 on Friday.

Just a reminder of the rules, as we come into the usual period of bad weather - this year combined with Covid postponements - that, like the Aston Villa v Newcastle game last week, any games called off before the 4pm deadline will be removed and you'll be asked to re-pick.  Non-picking at this stage will revert to the auto-pick.  If it's very close to 4pm there will likely be a small extension, but I'll play that by ear if it happens.  Any games called off after the 4pm deadline are the ones where you are treated to a bye.

You can check out the updated file here: PremKiller 2021 G1-R1

Please ensure you add premk...@googlegroups.com to your safe senders list.  


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