Week Six Results: Down to two...
Spurs left it fairly late, but that man Son (missing from my draft team this year 😢) popped up once again to win the match.
That means we have two players progressing into week eight - with a chance of winning the £8205
The form for week seven is here, with a deadline of 4pm on Friday 30th October: https://forms.gle/YduxHVRDLwNaHPwq8
You can find the file with all results so far here: Week Six
Finally, as the googlegroups distribution e-mail doesn't look like being resolved, I've opted to change to a blog type reminder - the problem is that it doesn't seem to send at a consistent hour. That said, you can always find the latest details direct on this page, and I will also update on Facebook and Twitter. Please share with other players. I'll try doing a focussed email send - if gmail will allow it...
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