A new beginning?

So... where to begin?

Well, firstly after a good few years using Google Groups as the e-mail distribution client, it finally gave up the goose, and no longer works.  Despite 2 weeks of the helpful community members trying to find out what is wrong, we're still no further forward.  I can't go back to just e-mail, as with too many players cannot possibly contact all in one go, and would continually exceed the daily limit.  A few other options all appear to be unfeasible, as would impact the pot, or restrict the number of players.

The time has therefore come to change how to communicate.  Afterall, I play Super6 each week without an email reminder...

And thus, the blog is born.  I'm still working out all the kinks, but with integration to both Facebook and Twitter, it looks like this may be the way forward.

So without further adue, here is the file for week six.

Week Six

We're down to four players remaining with three games to watch this weekend.

I'll see how this gets on before committing fully to the changes - who knows, maybe Google Groups will find the answer in the meanwhile.


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