Week 2.01: Update 29.07 - £4525
Hi everyone! One Week To Go! Pot up to £4525 and counting! Anyone else excited yet? Week One - Deadline 4pm Friday 5th August: https://forms.gle/UwRPwthbscjZyFdR6 It's £10 for new players, and £5 for anyone who was in R1. The new file for R2 can be found here - correct as of 5pm: PremKiller 2022 G2-R2 Regards, Ralph https://premkiller.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/ PremiershipKiller https://twitter.com/ ThePremKiller Payments - £5.00 for existing players, £10.00 for new players As always, payment must be made before the first deadline. Online Banking is the preferred method (please use your name as reference): Name: Mr RD Brown Sort Code: 20-54-89 Account: 43740153